
Understand why it is wrong to wash rice before cooking it!

It should be taken into account that rice is a food full of starch, a substance that can sometimes play against the cook’s aspirations. When passing the rice grains through a sieve and plenty of water, the layer of starch that covers it is released and as a result, its behavior during cooking time will not be the same.

Another point to consider is that not all types of rice have the same amount of starch. Those with medium or long grains have a moderate amount of starch that is suitable for dry rice.

On the other hand, short grains have much more starch and since they are ideal for preparing risotto, we should not rinse them, it is an essential requirement.

That is why polished white rice does not need to be washed, because it loses its nutrients when swept away by water. When washed, rice becomes very sticky when cooked.

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