
Seamstresses have been hiding this for years! Insert a razor blade into the needle and be amazed.

Using the cotton swab: Use it by removing the cotton from the sides, and insert a thin wire into it, which when bent will become a hook. A trick similar to the previous one, only using other items that we have at home.
Using a razor blade: Inserting a razor blade into the needle slot helps to sharpen the tip and make threading easier.
Special needles with a side slot: These needles allow the thread to be inserted sideways, which makes the process much faster.
Using beeswax lubricant: Applying a small amount of wax to the thread makes it easier to pass through the eye of the needle.
The Paper Trick: Cut a piece of paper into a V shape and place the thread in the center of the V. Then, feed the paper through the eye of the needle and the thread will slide through easily.

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